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Lovely: The rodfather fishing t-shirt

After trying to talk to my father and getting nowhere, I asked him if he’d be interested in therapy to address this leftover anger I felt towards him. He responded with, go pick on someone else in The rodfather fishing t-shirt. He thought I was exaggerating the events of the past, and was extremely uncomfortable with my account of what had happened. This created a stalemate between us, and every time I saw him I was tense and would entertain vengeful fantasies.

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It was as though there was a neon sign that would flash on his forehead, The rodfather fishing t-shirt. But I was determined to sort out these feelings, even if it wasn’t going to directly involve him. As part of my own therapy, I was able to vent intense feelings of righteous anger, victimization, and outrage. This ongoing venting of rage and hurt eventually opened up a totally unexpected memory.